Saturday, July 08, 2006

Still here...

Ok, well... as some of you may or may not have noticed I have not been posting for a long time. It's because of several reasons. ONE, I didn't have internet for a very long time, TWO, it was taking forever to download, THREE, I've been busy with work, FOUR, there is this whole World Cup going on, FIVE, I like to watch Football, SIX, I didn't have internet for a long time, SEVEN, I felt like nobody was reading my posts anyway, EIGHT, well, I knew some people do read my posts, but you know how you like people to tell you to do something that they enjoy from you, but you sort of have to hear it first before you do it, but then nobody lets you know that they actually do want you to do it?, NINE, my favourite number, TEN, I didn't have internet for a long time, ELEVEN, it hit me last night that perhaps the reason it takes a long time to download is because of some HTML errors, TWELVE, I had also been a bit ill for sometime, FOURTEEN, I was actually really sick actually, but I'm feeling better now, THIRTEEN, I didn't have internet for a month or so.

What have you been missing out on? A lot, there is the World Cup thing going on (which isn't much of a "World" Cup right now), and France is about to win the whole thing just like that. Holland is still using ORANGE as their representative colour and I couldn't eat Tangerines for a long time... But they are out now, because of the Portuguese who are also out now because of the French, who are about to win the whole thing if the Italians don't stop them. I can't think of the Brazilians, who are also out because of the French, without feeling sad, but as I'm a good sport I have to admit that the French played better, and that the Brazilians played, as my uncle said, as if they were playing against their mothers. Then the poor Germans were kicked out of their own party by the Italians. I wouldn't invite any of those countries again if I were Germany. Anyway... I haven't just been watching football the whole time though. Today was my last day of work. The kids have a long 6 week break and some will go to other schools, while others will stay for another year. I'm also on vacation now, but I think I'll do a bit of work on Monday and Tuesday before I go away on vacation!!!! Anyway... a lot of things have sort of changed, but I'm happy to say that God doesn't change and that's why we can alwasy trust where He said He would be, what He said He would do, and who He said He is. Tomorrow I will be moving out of my rooms for the Summer.

A Happy Summer Holiday to anyone going away on vacation. God bless...

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