Sunday, March 19, 2006

Feliz Cumpleaños Mami!!!

And yet another Birthday in March!
Last night my mom and brother came to pick me up so I could spend today at home with them to celebrate mom's B-day. It was funny because eventhough I would have liked to have spent a lot of time talking with her and just hearing about how things were going she spent all, ALL day long on the phone. She got phonecalls from Bonaire, Colombia, Curacao, Spain, the U .S., and here in Holland. She is just a very popular person, and I also think a lot of people consider her to be a good friend. I think she's lovely. We didn't plan to do anything special at home, but our neighbor and another friend of the family also came by with her son. My uncle also came with a pile of CD's to play. He likes parties and loves to dance. Here are some pictures.

These are some of my mom's presents.

This is my uncle. He's too cool to be in a group picture.

Querida Mama,

Feliz Cumpleaños!
Gracias por todo lo que haces por mi y por todos. Pienso que eres la mama mas buena, mas linda y la mejor mama del mundo... y esto te lo digo sin exajeracion, porque lo he venido analizando hace mucho tiempo y siempre llego a la misma conclucion! Para mi eres como esas 'Tulipas' bellas que siempre traes a casa. Te quiero, y espero que hayas tenido un dia muy feliz.

»El Señor te bendiga y te guarde;
el Señor te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor;
el Señor te muestre su favor y te conceda la *paz.
- Numeros 6:24-26

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Querida hija, le pusiste un sello de oro a mi cumpleanos con este concepto que tines de mi, creo que exageras un poco pero lo importante es que tu te lo crees y me llena de orgullo tener una hija que en sus comentarios refleja la persona tan especial que en realidad es. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo siempre y en horabuena por tu blog, es sencillamente fantastico. Tu mami que te quiere mucho.

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